Article Processing Fee

All journals of Bastas Publications ( are Open-Access providing unlimited and uninterrupted access to the articles without any embargo period. To cover the cost of the publication services, authors of accepted articles may be asked to pay a one-time article processing charge (APC).

Please refer to the following table for up-to-date APCs:

Journal APCs 
Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education 225  FREE
International Journal of Professional Development, Learners and Learning 225  FREE
European Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Education 225  FREE
Journal of Digital Educational Technology 225  FREE
Mediterranean Journal of Social & Behavioral Research 225  FREE
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies


European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education €500 
Contemporary Educational Technology


Eurasian Journal of Science and Environmental Education 225  FREE


Editorials, book reviews, corrections, and retractions are free of APCs. Listed fees are in EUROS. Additional taxes may apply.

Once the article is accepted for publication by the editors, corresponding authors will be notified about the payment details. After payment confirmation, the article will proceed to publication. 

We are committed to deliver highest quality research content at accessible pricing. To support our authors with limited or no funding, we offer a Fee Waiver Program. To apply for our Fee Waiver Program, please contact


Updated on 24 December 2024